Floatbot Integration with Genesys Live chat
The purpose of this documentation is to guide you about how to connect Floatbot with Genesys Live Chat. However, you can skip certain steps if you already have the relevant credentials. For example, if you have Client ID and Client Secret, you can simply skip Creating OAuth step.
Step 1: Log into your Genesys Account
Step 2: Go to Admin
Step 3: Select OAuth from the Integrations/OAuth panel
Step 4: Click on Add Client
Step 5: Put the following information in the input fields in the Client Details tab
Name: Choose a name of your choice, e.g., Floatbot Chatbot
Description: Give a meaningful description of your choice
Token Duration: 172800
Grant Types: Select the Client Credentials button from the option
Step 6: Once you select Client Credentials, a new tab Roles will appear next to the Client Details tab
Step 7: Click on the Roles tab and assign yourself the Master Admin role
Step 8: Click on the Save button below the tabs
Once you click on the Save button, Client ID and Client Secret will appear in the Client Details tab
Step 1: Log in to Floatbot Account
Step 2: Click on the Bot Builder of your bot
Step3: Click on the Configure option
Step 4: Click on the Agent Chat Settings option
Step 5: Click on the Agent Settings
Step 6: Select Genesys from the Agent Type panel
Step 7: Click on Chat
Step 8: Fill in the details
Message Deployment ID:
Genesys PureCloud Region:
Client ID:
Client Secret:
Queues: Depending on your Genesys integration, you can mention your queue ids.
Floatbot will subscribe to those queues for receiving events related to agents
Step 9: Copy Genesys Webhook URL and Webhook Signature Secret Token
Step 10: Go to your Genesys Account
Step 11: Go to Admin
Step 12: Select Platforms from the Message panel
Step 13: Click on Create New Integration
Step 14: Click on Open Messaging
Step 15: Fill up the input fields
Outbound Notification Webhook URL:
Outbound Notification Webhook Signature Secret Token:
Step 16: Click on the Save button
Step 1: You can download the Ready-to-test API file from <here>
Step 2: Log in to Genesys PureCloud
Step 3: Go to Admin
Step 4: Click on Actions from the Integrations panel
Step 5: Click on Import
Step 6: Click on Browse and then on Import Action after selecting the JSON file
Step 1: Download Floatbot Inbound_v1-0.i3InboundFlow from <here>
Step 2: Open Genesys PureCloud and go to Admin
Step 3: Select the Architect option from the Architect panel
Step 4: Click on Add and create a new Architect
Step 5: Fill out the details in the Create ‘Inbound Call Flow’ tab
Default Language:
Step 6: Click on the Flow Options dropdown
Step 7: Click on Import
Step 8: Import Floatbot Inbound_v1-0.i3InboundFlow into this Architect
Step 1: Download Agents_v1-0.i3InboundFlow from <here>
Step 2: Create a new Architect as shown in the previous section: Floatbot IVA Configuration
(Admin => Architect => Add => Create Flow
Step 3: Import Agents_v1-0.i3InboundFlow into this Architect
Step 4: Click on New Task1 under Starting Task
Step 5: Click on Call Data Action from the workflow
Step 6: Fill in your credentials in the given Input Fields as shown below
For Customer ID and Floatbot Token,
Go to Bot Builder --> Configure --> Agent Chat Settings --> Turn on Agent chat settings --> Select Genesys --> Select Voice
Step 1: Go to Admin
Step 2: Click on Sites from Telephony
Step 3: Click on Create New
Step 4: Fill in the appropriate details
Site Name: Give an appropriate name
Location: Please select your PVC location from the dropdown
Time Zone: Select the appropriate time zone
Media Model: Select the media model
Step 5: Click on Create Site
Step 6: Go to the Number Plans tab
Step 7: Click on New Number Plan
Step 8: Fill in the details
Number Plan Name: Floatbot
Match Type: E.164 Number List
Start Number and End Number: Get numbers from the floatbot team and click on + to save them. There be two numbers – one to connect with the bot, another to escalate to an agent
Step 9: Click on Save Number Plans
Step 10: Go to the Outbound Routes tab
Step 11: Click on New outbound Route
Step 12: Fill in the appropriate details
Outbound Route Name: Choose an appropriate name
Description: Give it an appropriate description
State: Enabled
Classification: Select the classification that we created for the new Number Plan
Distribution Pattern:
External Trunk: Select the appropriate Trunk (we will learn how to create a trunk in the next section)
Step 13: Click on the Save Outbound Route button
Step1: Click on Trunks
Step 2: Click on Create New
Step 3: Fill in the following details
External Trunk Name: Floatbot Trunk
Type: Generic BYOC Carrier
Inbound SIP Termination Identifier: Create a unique identifier, e.g., floatbot.your_organization_name
Scroll Down to SIP Servers or Proxies
Host Name or IP Address:
Port: 5060
Scroll down to SIP Access Control
Add the same IP address here -
Step 4: Click on Save External Trunk
Step 1: Click on DID Numbers under Telephony
Step 2: Go to DID Ranges
Step 3: Click on Create Range
Step 4: Fill up the details in the Create Range fields
DID Start: Number received from the Floatbot team to connect to the bot
DID End: Number received from the Floatbot team to escalate to an agent
Service Provider: Floatbot
Step 5: Click on the Save button