Zendesk integration

Zendesk is a popular enterprise application and you can manage your conversations when you integrate it to Floatbot.

Here are the steps of integrating Zendesk to your chatbot.

Step 1

Open the configure tab, head to integration, and now click on Zendesk settings.




Step 2

Enable the Zendesk setting to see the following screen. 




Step 3

Here you’ll have to fill in 3 major details: User Email Address, remote URL and token. Let us see how to get these details and place it in respective tabs.

User Email Address: Enter your company’s email address

Remote URL: Here you will have to go to your Zendesk account and get the remote URL

  • Sign in to your Zendesk account.




  • After you have signed in go to admin, click on account tab on the left-hand side of the screen. On the right side of the screen go to branding and scroll down to sub domain. There you will see a link, copy that and paste in your Floatbot’s dashboard.


Token: The token also you will get it from Zendesk. Follow these steps to get the token:

  • Click on the Admin icon.




  • And in the sidebar, go to channels and click on API




  • Click on the settings tab and make sure the token access is enabled.




  • Now click on the plus button on the right to generate a token.


  • Copy the token and paste it on the token tab on Floatbot




Remember once you have copied the token it will not be visible again. After completing the process click on update




Now, you've successfully integrated Zendesk!