Select your AI

With the help of Set up AI, the chatbot recognizes specific phrases a user enters and reply with a relevant answer.

Select AI

There are two options to setup AI.

  • Using Floatbot AI
  • Using Dialogflow


Select AI


Note: NLP Engine lets you Setup AI for your Bot.


To setup AI in Floatbot, click on continue. Floatbot allows you to set up AI rules based on your requirements.


Floatbot AI


To setup AI using Dialogflow, you need to add client token and developer token from Dialogflow. Follow below steps to find tokens in your dialogflow account.





Step 1: Go to and sign-up for an account (If you already have one, then sign-in with your credentials).


dialogflow setup


Step 2: After creating the agent, click on settings (Gear icon) of the agent from top of the side bar menu.


Step 3: In the API keys section of settings you'll find two access tokens that you need to copy in floatbot dashboard.


dialogflow setup


After submitting your tokens you can set up Basic AI and Advance AI