If Else

The If-Else feature controls the flow of response based on the user’s attribute. With this feature, you can redirect the user to a specific flow or item of the flow which is predetermined by you.

Acceptable Operators are:

  • == If the value equals variable
  • != If the value not equals variable
  • < If the value is less than variable
  • > If the value is greater than variable
  • <= If the value is less than or equal to value
  • >= If the value is greater than or equal to value
  • Is Set If the variable value is set
  • Is Not Set If the variable value is not set
  • Like If the variable is like the value

Watch the video and see a demo of the If-else condition

To Specify Condition

  • Select variable from the predefined variables.
  • Select the operator
  • Enter the value for comparison with the variable.
  • Select the Go to flow from predefined flows.
  • Select the item from the Go to flow, where the flow will be redirected if the condition gets true.

If you don’t want to specify a condition, then just select Go to flow, and the item inside the flow, (by default 1st item of the flow will be selected).