Sessions keep a track on all the conversations triggered between the bot and the user. You will be able to read conversations from here.
The left-hand side displays a list of conversations with date and time. And you can export the session in excel format.
The right-hand side gives you conversation details. Where you can read the actual conversation the bot had with the user.
Beside User ID,
Tick icon – To mark the session as valid.
Exclamation icon – Click on it to mark session Invalid
Fetch the Agent M logs
Compare 2 Logs of Agent M bot
Export Conversation- All the conversations triggered between the user and the chatbot can be exported in this section. Here you can Export Bot and User Data, Agent and User Data or both selecting the data from the top.
Below this selection option, there is a bar called Choose User Attributes. Your data gets more detailed and personalized as you can set attributes here. For example, if you want your data to have user’s first name, country, and contact number you can add these attributes. They will appear in your exported report.