New Broadcast

To create a new broadcast, click on New broadcast. 

You can use items like Text, Quick reply, Image, Gallery, User input, and JSON API to create these broadcast. To understand how each item works you can visit the workflow section of this document.





With the helps of workflow items, you will also be able to Add conditions to your broadcast. Your broadcast will only be sent to users who come under the set condition. This is an optional step, if you don’t add any condition the broadcast will trigger to all users.

For instance- If you want to send your broadcast to users who stay in Pune to update them about your next event then you can use this condition.



Here are the operators that you can use to set your condition:

  • == If the value equals variable
  • != If the value not equals variable
  • < If the value is less than variable
  • > If the value is greater than variable
  • <= If the value is less than or equal to value
  • >= If the value is greater than or equal to value
  • Is Set If the variable value is set
  • Is Not Set If the variable value is not set
  • Like If the variable is like the value