GenAI-Powered Real-Time Guidance for your Agents

Achieve Efficiency in Customer Support Calls or Sales Conversations (Calls or Chats). Understands customer sentiments and intents, and offers immediate, tailored responses to your human agents during support or sales interactions.

Gen AI-Powered

Available as Chat-Based and Voice-Based



Suggestions and Nudges for your Human Agents

knowledgebase optimization

Knowledgebase Optimization

Self-Learns from Unstructured Data – Website, Knowledgebase, and more

summaries calls


Calls with the Customers


Compliance Meter

Monitors Compliances of Regulatory Statements Spoken by Agents

50+ real-time call analytics

50+ Real-time Call Analytics with Insights:

Conversation Analytics, Sentiment Analysis, Customer Intent, Agent Performance, User Satisfaction, & More



Workflows and Decision Trees



Call Transcription


Custom AI Models

Knowledgebase Optimization, RAG-Powered Cognitive Search, NLP, Speech AI, LLM

  GenAI-Powered ROI's

Secure High-Value Returns

Increase Agent Productivity

Increase Agent Productivity by up to 50%

Reduce AHT

Reduce AHT by 25% to 30%

CSAT Score

Increase CSAT Score by 80%

Customer Issue Resolution

Get a Boost in Customer Issue Resolution Rate by 70%

Enhance CX

Enhance CX by 85%


Improve First-Time Right Resolutions by 60%

Quality and Compliance Monitoring

Achieve Real-Time Quality and Compliance Monitoring by up to 100%


Real-Time Analytics and Summarization, Saving Agents 10 Minutes Post-Call

Experience Zone

Witness the collaboration of human expertise and artificial intelligence as our bot enhances communication with customers through dynamic text exchanges.

  • Helpdesk Automation
  • Knowledgebase Optimization
  • Call Summarization
  • Custom AI Models
  • Workflows & Decision Trees
  • Real-Time Suggestions/Nudges
  • Real-Time Call Transcription
  • Compliance Meter
  • 50+ Real-Time Call Analytics

Typical Collections Call vs One Supported by AI Agent Assist

typical call flow
Typical Collections Call

Typical Collections Call

Agent Greets the customer and authenticates if necessary.

AI Agent-Assisted Call

AI Agent-Assisted Call 

Suggests appropriate greeting message to agent along with past user sessions.

Typical Collections Call

Typical Collections Call

Agent asks and understands user query.

AI Agent-Assisted Call

AI Agent-Assisted Call 

Analyzes the intent based on speech and screen context and suggests relevant knowledge and/or guidance.

Typical Collections Call

Typical Collections Call

Agent keeps user on hold for few minutes and searches for appropriate response/answer to the query.

AI Agent-Assisted Call

AI Agent-Assisted Call 

Guides the agent and offers relevant automation sequence and fulfills.

Typical Collections Call

Typical Collections Call

After a few minutes, the agent gets back to the user with the resolution and confirms if there are any additional queries.

AI Agent-Assisted Call

AI Agent-Assisted Call 

Presents the agent detailed confirmation statements and listens for additional intents.

Typical Collections Call

Typical Collections Call

User hangs up the call and updates other systems manually.

AI Agent-Assisted Call

AI Agent-Assisted Call 

Presents the agent with detailed call summary and updates other systems.

  Increased Efficiency

Elevate Agent Performance from Standard to ‘Exceptional’ 

Workflows and Decision Tree

Workflows and Decision Tree

Real Time Agent Assist actively analyzes the ongoing conversation with the customer. Based on that, it suggests what to say or ask next, ensuring a smooth and contextually accurate dialogue. Here is what it does:

  • Suggests intent-driven answer
  • Triggers appropriate workflows
  • Enables decision tree

Knowledgebase Optimization

Empowered with Cognitive Search capabilities, it effortlessly conducts lightning-fast question-and-answer sessions on unstructured knowledge bases, past cases, PDFs, and more —resolving user queries in seconds.

  • Self-learning NLP
  • Powered by Advance NLU, Semantic Search, and Fuzzy Matching
  • Seamless integration with third-party knowledgebases.
Optimize Knowledgebase
Get Real-time Suggestions and Nudges

Get Real-time Suggestions / Nudges

Specifically trained for pre-sales and sales conversations, when the agent is talking to a customer, the bot:

  • Actively listens to calls and monitors chat interactions to serve as real time AI Agent Assist solution
  • Comprehends the context and intents of customer conversations
  • Provides instant, on-the-fly suggestions and nudges to agents

Compliance Meter

AI Agent Assist ensures your team adheres to rules and swiftly identifies any inappropriate behaviors:

  • Guides agents to ensure adherence to industry-specific regulations and standards during interactions.
  • Swiftly detects and flags any instances of inappropriate behavior, aiding in maintaining compliance.
  • Assists in upholding internal policies and regulations, minimizing the risk of non-compliance issues.
Real-time User Sentiment Analysis
Real-time Agent Feedback

Call Summarization

After each conversation, the AI Agent Assist records important details, making it easier for agents to follow up with customers, document cases, and evaluate their own performance:

  • Briefly highlights the important parts of the conversation for agents to remember key details.
  • Provides a list of promised actions, ensuring that tasks and commitments are fulfilled.
  • Recognizes how customers feel and updates the system, accordingly, making it easier to respond appropriately.


Knowledgebase Optimization, RAG-Powered Cognitive Search, NLP, Speech AI, LLM

  • Tailored models for efficient and relevant knowledgebase organization.
  • Advanced algorithms for continuous learning and content improvement.
  • Retrieval-Augmented Generation for context-aware and accurate search results.
  • Speech recognition models for accurate conversion of spoken language to text.

Real-time Call Transcription

  • Instant conversion of spoken words into text
  • Seamless integration for immediate access to transcribed content.
  • Supports real-time analysis and decision-making for enhanced customer interactions.
  • Enables accurate documentation and aids in post-call analytics for valuable insights.

Real-time Analytics

AI Agent Assist doesn't just process conversations; it decodes trends and patterns within customer interactions, enabling prompt, informed decisions and actions based on valuable data: 

  • Conversation analytics
    • Identify call topics
    • Create buckets for similar conversations
    • Tag conversations accordingly
  • Information extraction
    • Extract key details such as names, dates, ticket numbers, and IDs
  • Agent performance
    • Rate agents based on their interactions
  • Sentiment analysis
    • Detect user sentiment throughout the call
Call Summarization

Achieve Holistic Organizational Growth with AI Agent Assist

Focused Customer Interaction

Focused Customer Interaction

Shift your agents' focus from paperwork to people. AI Agent Assist frees them from information hunting, enabling them to concentrate on meaningful interactions that foster customer satisfaction. 

Rapid Response Intelligence

Rapid Response Intelligence

Infuse intelligence into your responses and reduce mean time to resolve (MTTR) customer issues. With AI Agent Assist, your team is armed with the right information, instantly.

Cost-Efficient Support Landscape

Cost-Efficient Support Landscape

Enter a new era of cost efficiency. Real-time AI Agent Assist optimizes your support landscape, enabling your team to do more with less and ultimately lowering the overall cost of customer support.

Agent M & FloatGPT Integration

Agent M & FloatGPT Integration

Seamlessly integrated AI companion that listens to customer interactions. Delivers spot-on, personalized interactions, boosting Agent productivity and delighting customers. Integrate it with Agent M and FloatGPT to enhance AI Agent Assist’s Abilities.


Pre-Integrated with Popular Contact Center Solutions & Knowledge-Bases 
