Boost customer experience with Generative AI.

Refine your customer experience by integrating ChatGPT with Floatbot. Launch Chatbot, Voicebot or AI Agent Assist bot powered by ChatGPT.


Unlock the potential of ChatGPT with Floatbot. Build advanced bots with Floatbot using ChatGPT

Create Dynamic workflows

Build dynamic workflows using ChatGPT. Our native integration with ChatGPT allows you to build dynamic workflows by just defining the prompt in bot studio. Define all the instructions in form of prompt and it gets executed in form of a flow in bot. It also handles all the objections made by users during the workflow.

Create Dynamic workflows
Create Dynamic slot identification

Dynamic slot identification

Now no need to define entities in AI, ChatGPT does the job for you. With Floatbot you just add the prompt defining the user information to be extracted or identified and you will get dynamic slots identified by the AI model.

Call Summary: Agent handover summary

ChatGPT summarizes the user call information which can be used by the agents while handovers, so that the agents have all the useful information about the conversation beforehand. This helps agents save their time so that they can focus on other important tasks.

Call Summary Agent handover summary
Get Real time Nudges

AI Nudges/Suggestions for Agents

With Floatbot you can leverage ChatGPT for your agent productivity, it gives suggestions and nudges based on the user queries. It helps agents find relevant information and can suggest the next steps for the users.

Language Translation

You can use ChatGPT for translating your user queries with Floatbot. Select the translation category and add the destination language. This output can be used for AI models for query processing.

Language Translation
Enhanced complex query understanding

Enhanced complex query understanding

ChatGPT enables your bot to understand complex user queries and responds with a satisfactory answer. It comprises advanced techniques and features that allow it to give accurate and relevant information for complex queries.

Contextualized responses

ChatGPT is capable of understanding the context in which the query is posed. Floatbot lets you define the conversation history, ChatGPT model can retain the context up to the number of conversations defined under conversation history.

Contextualized responses
Better voice and chat experience

Better voice and chat experience

With Floatbot as an orchestration layer, you can leverage ChatGPT to enhance the chat and voice experience of your users. It enhances user experience by providing personalized, quick, and natural interactions in multiple languages.

Pre-integration with Popular Knowledge-bases
Atalassian KMS Salesforce Verizon Zendesk


Increase CSAT
Scores by 80%
Increase CSAT
Increase Agent
Productivity by 50%
CSAT Improvement
Reduce Operational
Costs by 40%
Reduce Operational
Reduce Bot Training
Efforts by 98%
Reduce Bot Training Efforts
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