Floatbot Introduces Telegram Integration
Here are the steps of integrating chatbot with telegram.
- Jun 23 2018

Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging service. Now you can easily intergrate your chatbot to telegram. Follow the following steps to know how!
Step 1: To integrate your chatbot, you will need to download the application on your phone. You can click on this link https://telegram.org/apps and download the app.
Step 2: After successfully downloading the app, open the application and in the search bar search for Bot Father( Bot father is a verified account)
Step 3: Open the chat window of Bot father and send a message saying /newbot
Step 4: In reply to your message, Bot father will ask you few details like
Bot name: Name of your bot
Username: It is important for your username to end with bot. eg: Billbot or Chrisbot.
Adding bot at the end of your username is compulsory.
Step 5: After giving these details, you will receive a message saying your bot is successfully made and in the same message you will see a token called HTTP API.
Step 6: Copy that token and paste it on the Telegram setting on Floatbot.
By doing this step your telegram is integrated!!
To make any changes in your Telegram bot simply send a message to Bot father saying /start. Bot father will give you all necessary details regarding your bot.